
Are you a Blackberry or iPhone user?

Got a smart phone (Blackberry, Windows Mobile, iPhone, etc)? Researchers at the Almaden Research Center are exploring how people employ smart phones for work and play, and they need participants to study. If you've got a smart phone and are willing to let them interview you, send a note to IBM Researcher Jeff Pierce with your general availability and the type of device you own.


  1. Is an iPod Touch close enough? How about IBM employees?

  2. hi david, ibm employees are welcome to be part of the study. contact jeff re: iPod Touch.


  3. I use both the BB and the iPhone. And I used to work at the ARC (E wing), so happy to provide some input.

  4. There has been a lot of clamoring from a lot of Verizon Black Berry users about how they were going to make the switch from Black Berry to i Phone as soon as they were able. Well, know they are able and I am curious to know how many are going to actually go through with it.
