Q&A With Green Horizons Project Manager Jin Yan Shao

IBM Research’s Green Horizons project launched in 2014 to help Beijing deliver on its goals of reducing air-polluting fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) by 25 percent by 2017. Just one year into the 10 year initiative, the research team in China is expanding Green Horizons globally, with projects in Johannesburg and Delhi underway. IBM Research-China’s Dr. Jin Yan Shao, Green Horizons’ program manager, talks about her motivations for working on the project, and reaching its lofty goals and expectations.

About Dr. Jin Yan Shao

·  PhD in Dynamics Control and Automation from Peking University
·  Joined IBM in 2007
·  Research focus: Analytics and optimization algorithms applied to solving challenging problems for clients and industries, including environmental, energy, banking, retail, and others.
How has Green Horizons progressed in China?

Jin Yan Shao: Green Horizons is a long – 10 year – journey, not just for China, but worldwide. So, we cannot claim success, yet. But we have a good starting point now, considering: 
What do you personally hope to accomplish with the Green Horizons project?

JS: I believe every scientist dreams that one day their research work can make a difference and make the world better. That is why I chose IBM Research when I graduated from university.

I have participated in and led many different projects over the past eight years. Green Horizon is the most exciting and promising project, yet – which make me so proud of it. My work will help eventually benefit so many people, including my own family. What do I hope to accomplish? Definitely more blue skies and clean air for all of us living in China.

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