Amir Nahir, IBM researcher |
“When you’re driving your car down the highway at 50 mph, you
assume that turning on the car radio or the headlights won’t affect the brake
system. It’s just one extreme example of the importance of an integrated system. And any
complex system that combines hardware and software must be verified to prevent problems
such as your radio not working when you pump the breaks,” said
Nahir, verification researcher at
IBM Research - Haifa.
Modern automotive systems have as many as 80 electronic
control units working in them, simultaneously pumping out and collecting data
-- all the while working in concert with the electrical and mechanical systems
around them. And this is just one example of a highly integrated engineering system.
Similar systems that integrate hardware, software, and huge amounts of sensors
are becoming more prevalent in such industries as aircraft, defense, and healthcare,
to name a few. Verification plays a critical role in the development of these
systems, helping to cut their time-to-market, making products ready faster, and
preventing recalls as much as possible. These efforts increase product quality
exponentially, beyond the obvious crucial need to maximize safety-critical
issues in systems.
“Complex engineering systems by their nature integrate
hardware and software,” said Amir, the general chair at IBM Research - Haifa’s recent
Haifa Verification Conference (HVC). “The more intricate and
mission-critical those systems become, the more crucial our need to verify
their proper functioning.”
Complex by nature
According to
Edward Lee of UC Berkeley, a keynote speaker at HVC 2012, “modern
engineering systems are really cyber-physical systems, where hardware interacts
and integrates not only with software but also with the data flowing from a
nearly endless number of sensors.”
These often real-time systems can be extremely difficult to
verify, he explained. “But if we extend the standard software paradigm to
include timing properties and re-engineer various performance optimizations,
the resulting systems are more easily verified and often have better
IBM Researchers in Haifa
are working on improving complex systems engineering verification by adding
automation to the verification process whenever possible. More flexible and extensive
than manual testing, automated verification is also much less error-prone, and
it allows computers to generate random test cases (a critical aspect of
verification) that human testers wouldn’t think of on their own.
Improving manufacturing processes
One of the systems engineering verification projects that IBM
Researchers are participating in is
a European research consortium, which is striving to develop quality control
methods for manufacturing.
“MuProD focuses on novel methods that examine products
during production so that faults can be detected early,” explained Allon Adir,
an IBM researcher working on the project. “As part of MuProd, we're developing
testing for the production process as a system, using techniques usually
employed in hardware verification. This approach enables us to add significant
value to the manufacturing process."
Hardware verification is a more mature field than the
testing of engineering systems, Allon explained. Adapting techniques that were
originally developed for hardware is now benefiting the quality of integrated engineering
Networking break at HVC 2012 |
“Our goal is pretty simple,” he said. “We want to apply the
verification success we’ve achieved in the hardware realm to the manufacturing
process. By doing so, we hope to achieve high quality production in a short
time-frame and at a reasonably low cost.”
“The bottom line in verification is the drive for quality,” Amir
summed things up: “Whether in hardware, software, or integrated systems, we
keep striving to make better tests with more complete coverage so the final
result is a verified and reliable product.”
Labels: Amir Nahir, complex systems, Edward Lee, Haifa Verification Conference, HVC 2012, IBM Research - Haifa, manufacturing, MuProD, verification